Beard hair loss

Causes and treatment options for affected men

A thick, well-kept beard is an integral part of many men's lives - yet it's hardly a given. Frequently, bald patches or thinning patches become apparent, which can be a heavy burden on those affected. Depending on the cause, there are effective measures and treatment options available.

Involuntary hair loss - this can affect more than just the head hair. Undesired bald patches also appear in the beard area. This type of hair loss (alopecia barbae) is regarded as a subtype of circular hair loss (alopecia areata).

Men need not worry, however, if a few beard hairs are consistently found floating around in the sink. As with the hair on the head, a moderate amount of hair loss every day is common: up to 50 hairs are normal. They grow back again and are therefore not a sign of illness.

When does beard loss need to be diagnosed?

Only men who have visibly bald patches on their cheeks, face or neck should become aware of the problem. Then it is important to investigate the cause: Does the hair loss have harmless causes or is it due to a disease? What can be done about the bald patches also depends on the cause.

Possible external causes

  • Hair loss due to mechanical stimuli: Some men consciously or unconsciously fiddle with their facial hair. Using their fingers, they twirl their beard hair or tug at it thoughtlessly. But the beard is not as robust as it appears! All this may cause hair breakage or irritate the hair root. The result: No new beard hair is produced, the root dies. So keep your hands off the beard!

  • Shaving: The roots of the hair can also be damaged by blunt razor blades, which do not cut the hair cleanly on the surface, but instead tear it or injure the skin.

  • Incorrect care: Delicate hair roots are strained by regular soap or shampoo, as the skin on the beard is more dry than greasy. In this case, special beard shampoos that add moisture rather than removing it can help.

  • Aggressive grooming products (including pomade) with paraffins, silicones or parabens are also more likely to harm beard growth.

Hormonal deficiencies

  • Stress or burdensome periods may lead to hair loss and even beard hair loss, because they have an unfavourable influence on the hormone status in the body. In that case, relaxation and mental balance are required to solve the hair problem.

  • Testosterone insufficiency can also lead to hair loss. A possible imbalance can be detected by a blood test and treated by a doctor if needed.

Hereditary hair loss

Two frequent forms of hair loss can also affect the beard area, in addition to the hair on the head. One is hereditary hair loss. It typically starts with a receding hairline and loss of hair at the forehead, temples and upper back of the head (in women in the area of the middle part of the head). The cause is primarily the body's own DHT hormone (dihydrotestosterone). Hair follicles overreact to it, shrink or atrophy. As a result, the hair growth is reduced or comes to a standstill.

Circular hair loss

Circular hair loss (alopecia areata) can affect the hair on the head and the beard or eyebrow area - and it usually appears abruptly. The severity differs from person to person and can range from one or a few very small bald patches to total hair loss. An auto-immune reaction could be responsible, as could parameters such as lifestyle, diet, hormonal changes and stress. Ultimately, however, its cause is unclear. A reliable clarification of the cause should be carried out by a doctor.

How can beard loss be prevented?

The follicles in which the hair grows are among the most dividing tissues in the body with an active metabolism. For this, they need not only protein but also micro-nutrients such as vitamins (especially biotin, vitamin C and the B vitamins) and minerals such as zinc and iron: Only an adequate supply of nutrients - particularly through a wholesome, varied diet - can ensure dense beard growth.

Skin care products containing thymus extract can also support new hair growth. In studies, the thymus peptides showed that they optimise the cell supply of the hair follicles and thus stimulate the development of new hair cells.

Innovative thymic peptide active ingredient GKL-02.

THYMUSKIN in 2 minutes.

The biological activity of Thymuskin is particularly evident in the activation of the hair cells (keratinocytes), which have a decisive influence on the growth of hair. Hair formation is stimulated.

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