Feedback from THYMUSKIN® customers

Customer satisfaction is our most important goal.

Your feedback frequently helps us to improve the development of our products and services. We are looking forward to receive your messages, we offer detailed, individual advice – based on more than 30 years of experience. You can find our evaluation guidelines here.

B. Niemann

Date: 27.04.2024

Diffuse Hair Loss

I had severe hair loss, probably caused by two infectious diseases that I had one after the other. My dermatologist recommended a product that is recommended as standard, but I decided against it and took Thymuskin Forte gel and shampoo and special supplements. Well, I have to say that after a very short time I had a "pleasant" hair feeling again and the hair loss was noticeably reduced within 14 days. I counted all the hair that was lost every day, and after three weeks it was only about 100 hairs a day, so back in the relatively normal range. My dermatologist later did another hair loss test and she said that the worst of the hair loss had now stopped, but you could still see that hair follicles were inflamed, but she could already see that hair was growing back. Well, I'm satisfied so far. I will continue with the programme for another two months as I think 100 hairs a day is too much. The shampoo is also absolutely great!

(translated German feedback)


Date: 06.03.2024

Diffuse Hair Loss

You are very welcome to publish my positive statements, especially as I am convinced of the effect and I know only too well how stressful hair loss is and how difficult, indeed almost impossible, it is to find an effective remedy. I can really recommend Thymuskin with the deepest conviction and I can only advise anyone who is affected by hair loss to get Thymuskin as soon as possible, because if it has a positive effect on me within a short time (and absolutely nothing has helped me so far), then I think it can help many more sufferers and nobody has to suffer from hair loss for so long if there is such a great remedy as Thymuskin. I would also like to thank you once again for the excellent service, there is hardly anywhere else that offers such a fast, competent, friendly and detailed service! Thank you very much!

(translated German feedback)

Milena Ejn

Date: 17.12.2023

Circular Hair Loss

Dear Thymuskin team

Almost 2 months ago I ordered the Classic Shampoo and the MED Serum Gel from you, started using them immediately and hoped that my alopecia areata would recede. Even today you can hardly see that it was a circular hair loss and I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am convinced that this is due to your product and can only recommend it to everyone.

(translated German feedback)

Ilona Ilona

Date: 28.11.2023

Diffuse Hair Loss

female, age 71, no diagnosis, suddenly very severe hair loss, since April 2023;

Dear Sir or Madam, I have been using Thymuskin forte since July 2023, my hair loss has now stopped and I am about to place a new order. I am now considering whether it makes sense to continue using Thymuskin forte or should I switch to Thymuskin med or classic? I would appreciate a prompt reply.

(translated German feedback)

Answer from Thymuskin

"If the hair loss has now stopped, you can either continue to use Forte Serum or alternatively Med Serum, but reduce the application to every 2nd day.

As the cause of your hair loss is unclear, only reduce gradually and stabilise your condition first.

Observe whether the condition remains stable. If you experience more hair loss again, we recommend returning to the original daily application."


Date: 26.10.2023

Diffuse Hair Loss

I am 75 years old. My thin hair has become very dry in recent years and has fallen out, especially on the top of my head. I have been using Thymuskin Shampoo and Thymuskin Med Serum Gel for 4 months. In the meantime, small hairs have grown back, especially on the front. I am very satisfied and would like to try Thymuskin products for my hair care. My question is: Which products are suitable for my hair?

(translated German feedback)


Date: 09.08.2023


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I took your shampoo and serum during my chemotherapy. In the meantime, my hair has grown back very well. Not only that, it is not only healthy and strong but also very thick. However, since I can't cope with the "new" hair colour, I would like to have highlights done again. Since I would like to continue using your products, my question is: Are your products also suitable for coloured, dry hair, because I assume that the colour will change my hair structure. I would appreciate a reply and thank you in advance.

(translated German feedback)

Answer from Thymuskin

It is no problem to highlight or tone the hair while using Thymuskin. The Med and Forte shampoos are also suitable for rather dry hair.

The Thymuskin Balm Conditioner for hair care can be used after shampooing. It is important to ensure that the balm is not applied to the scalp if the serum is used at the same time. The balm is also suitable for the care of dry scalps and forms a light film. This would not be compatible with the serum together. In this case, you can use the products staggered or apply the balm only to the hair lengths.


Date: 26.07.2023

Diffuse Hair Loss

I am 75 years old, have relatively thin hair that has thinned out with age, especially on the top of my head. For many years I have mainly dyed the roots of my originally dark blonde hair. This has probably contributed to my hair becoming very dry, much lighter and brittle.

I now have the following question. For about 8 weeks I have been using Thymuskin Shampoo and Thymuskin Serum Classic on the recommendation of a friend and find that it has a positive effect on my hair growth. I am now asking whether I should use Thymuskin forte or Thymuskin Med. shampoo and serum for my damaged hair in future and whether there is also a care product (treatment) for my damaged hair.

(translated German feedback)

Answer from Thymuskin

If you are doing well with Classic Serum and do not have a problem with a rather dry scalp, you can stay with Classic Serum for now. If you want to increase the effect of Thymuskin Serum, you can also switch to Med Serum, which we recommend for hormone-related hair loss in women.

However, Classic Shampoo is not really suitable for your hair because it is designed for normal to oily hair. The Forte shampoo can be too burdensome for rather thin hair because of the many conditioning agents. Therefore, the Med Shampoo would be the right choice for you, also with regard to coloured hair.


Date: 28.06.2023

Circular Hair Loss

I have been using the shampoo and serum for 4 days and hair is already growing back on the bald spots. I am really thrilled and can really recommend it.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 15.02.2023

Hormonal Hair Loss

Dear Sir or Madam, I have been using the Med Shampoo and the forte gel for about 6 months. I've got my hair loss under control, which was really severe due to menopause and a corona infection. Thanks to your products, I look forward to washing my hair again.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 31.01.2023

Diffuse Hair Loss

Dear Thymuskin Team, I am absolutely thrilled with the products. . I would also like to praise the support team. You get feedback very promptly, which is very helpful. Thank you again for your very helpful response.

(translated German feedback)

Ana S.

Date: 13.01.2023

Diffuse Hair Loss

Many, many thanks! I am very enthusiastic about your detailed and competent answer and please continue to look after your customers in such an exemplary manner. The success will prove you right. I will certainly advertise Thymuskin. I have tried many, many things. Only Thymuskin helped.

(translated German feedback)

Ana S.

Date: 12.01.2023

Diffuse Hair Loss

Dear Thymuskin Team,

since the middle of 2022 I have suffered from severe hair loss and especially hair breakage. The reason was extreme personal stress but probably also a slowly occurring hormonal change, I will be 50 this year. Well, since mid-October I have been using Thymuskin forte (shampoo + serum) and it works fantastically. No hair loss and no hair breakage either, and hundreds of short hairs are growing back. Now that I am almost at the end of the bottle of Thymuskin forte, I would like to know what your scientific experience is: Do I continue with Thymuskin forte, or can I continue with a lower-dose product (Med or Classic)? With which do I continue to achieve the optimal effect? Thank you very much for your information. With kind regards !

Comment Thymuskin: Stress and hormonal changes characterise diffuse hair loss. Here we recommend Thymuskin Med Serum Gel + the matching Thymuskin Shampoo.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 02.01.2023

Circular Hair Loss

Thank you very much for your detailed information. As a person affected, you make me feel noticed and well taken care of!

(translated German feedback)


Date: 01.01.2023

Circular Hair Loss

Dear Thymuskin Team,

I (female) am 60 years old and have had my 3rd alopecia areata in just under 10 years. I always get rid of it with Thymuskin shampoo and serum, and then I changed the dosage from Forte to Med or Classic. Now, however, I have been using Thymuskin Forte Shampoo + Serum for 3 years without interruption for profilactic reasons, although I have not had alopecia areata for about 3 - 4 months now. Since I have now read that Thymuskin Forte should be discontinued after the problem has been solved, I have a question: - Is this true? - Should I now change the dosage to Classic or Med so that Forte responds better when needed? - Is it generally good and safe to always use Thymuskin Shampoo and Serum or would a break be better?

Thank you in advance for your information. Thymuskin always helps me with my problem and I can and have already recommended it to others.

With kind regards

(translated German feedback)

Linda X

Date: 21.12.2022

Diffuse Hair Loss

I have used the shampoo, conditioner and hair balm 3 times so far. The hair is nice and soft, not cracked or brittle. My hair used to be so dry and brittle after shampooing and maybe it's just my imagination, but I feel that with your products my hair looks healthier after shampooing. Also, I no longer have tufts when combing or lying in bed.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 15.12.2022

Hereditary Hair Loss

I take Tymuskin Forte shampoo and gel because of my male pattern hair loss. Both work very well for me, and I can still hope for new hair growth at the age of 54. At least the hair loss has gone down a lot after 2.3 months.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 16.11.2022

Circular Hair Loss

Hello Dear Thymuskin Team,

I have an update on my current hair situation. After I noticed the bald spot and started treatment with Thymuskin, I came to you because I noticed increased diffuse hair loss, which I initially attributed to the habituation effect of Thymuskin and the cause was also possibly suspected in the autumn hair loss. (...) At the moment, the diffuse hair loss is still going on, but I very much hope that it will normalise somewhat in the next few weeks.
The bald spot is no longer bald, but completely covered with 0.5-1cm long hairs.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 07.11.2022

Hereditary Hair Loss

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

For several months I have been using your Thymuskin Serum Gel Med daily and the corresponding shampoo weekly. I am really satisfied with the effect. My excessive hair loss has stopped, I think.

Now it's time for a refill.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 28.10.2022

Hereditary Hair Loss

Hereditary hair loss started at 46 6 years ago. I started the treatment / TK forte shampoo almost a year ago. First results after about 3 months / no more hair loss. Today after 10 months, almost all hair has grown back. THANK YOU for this top product.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 26.10.2022


But now I still have a question: My hair problem after the chemotherapy has been solved, with the help of Thymuskin the hair has grown back thick and strong. However, I also suffered from (genetic) hair loss before the therapy. Can I continue to use the products that have helped me so much for years against this genetic hair loss?

(translated German feedback)


Date: 26.10.2022


I think it's great that you always reply so quickly and in detail, it makes me feel really taken seriously as a customer, thank you very much for that!

(translated Germany feedback)


Date: 22.09.2022


Thank you very much, I will definitely continue to use Thymuskin forte as it is the first product that has stopped my hair loss.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 13.09.2022


Dear Thymuskin Team , you are welcome to pass on my statements. I was introduced to your products about 30 years ago by a sales representative of your company. I had just had a perm plus colouring and was very"" pleased"" about my hair structure. The employee gave me some sample packs , already after the first treatment the success showed : no " frizz package " the hair became shiny and smooth " and from then on the product was recommended to my customers in my pharmacy at that time ( Rosen Apotheke ). I am still a loyal, grateful customer and will of course order the products from them in the future as soon as my accumulated stock is used up. I am now 76 and hope for a few more good years.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 22.08.2022


Your explanation of the balm: exciting, makes me curious and I look forward to your announced delivery.

I will gladly wait a little longer.

By the way: my hair is growing and thriving. Since Corona/without visits to the hairdresser I now have a "long mane". I enjoy it and often receive compliments.

Thanks to my years of care with Thymuskin, my earlier hair loss problems have been almost completely forgotten. And that's how it should stay.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 20.06.2022


The itchiness is better or completely gone after using your shampoo.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 08.04.2022


Dear Thymuskin Team

After my illness & following very intensive & high dose chemotherapy, I started using shampoo & serum of Thymuskin Forte line in January 2022. At that time there was not a single hair left on my body. Additionally, I use "silica" as my nails were very brittle & cracking in the most impossible places.

2.5 months later...a lot of strong hair has grown, faster than normal. The nails are also becoming more stable again, just take a little longer.

From my experience...a sensational product, which I can really recommend to other sufferers! Of course it takes some patience, 3 weeks are not enough...but the first visible results appear very quickly, which is also very valuable psychologically.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 17.03.2022

Hereditary Hair Loss

Thank you for your quick reply. You have helped me a lot with this. For about 6 months I wash my hair 2 times a week and then I apply the serum. Once a week I apply the balm conditioner to it [...] Also my hairdresser is satisfied with the condition of my hair and we will recommend Thymuskin.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 13.03.2022

Hereditary Hair Loss

On 17.11.2020 I wrote to you that despite treatment with Thymuskin Forte Shampoo, Forte Serum Gel, Balm Conditioner and Styling Gel no formation of new hair was visible. In the meantime, fortunately, new hair has formed and I am very pleased with it.

However, I have now heard that hairspray should not be used when using Thymuskin at the same time. Is this true? If so, what can you recommend for me so that the hair has more hold and covers the scalp evenly.

Answer from Thymuskin.

About the hairspray: most of the time, yes, hairspray is sprayed on the top of the head. This makes it extremely likely that the spray will also be deposited on the scalp. If the Thymuskin Serum is now applied, it can firstly penetrate the scalp more heavily and secondly it could be that you rub particles of the spray into the scalp when you rub in the serum. Therefore, we recommend not to use hairspray.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 03.01.2022


Good day, I have used the Thymuskin classig shampoo successfully, can I now continue to use the shampoo like a normal shampoo?

(translated German feedback)

Answer from Thymuskin

Yes, you can replace your previous shampoo with the Thymuskin Shampoo. Thymuskin strengthens the hair roots and is suitable for long-term use.

Alexandra C.

Date: 16.12.2021


Good day!

I had used Thymuskin Forte shampoo and gel very successfully during both complete hair losses after stem cell therapies in 2019. The hair came back pretty quickly!

Now I am being treated again with cytostatics for a recurrence and hair loss is expected again. I am currently undergoing treatment at the University Hospital * (personal data deleted) and unfortunately do not have my Thymuskin products with me.

And should I use the Forte shampoo and gel again at home? They couldn't tell me how severe the hair loss will be, but "nip it in the bud"'!

Thank you very much and best regards

(translated German feedback)


Date: 10.12.2021

Circular Hair Loss

Hello, I suffer from circular hair loss and use the GKL02 shampoo and serum. It has actually stopped the hair loss and the first hairs are growing back - thank you very much for that. I wanted to ask whether the shampoo can be used permanently, i.e. over several years, or whether this is harmful? Is the effect here permanent or does it wear off after longer use? My second question: Can the shampoo also be used daily? Due to my oily roots, it is unfortunately necessary to wash my hair daily. Thank you in advance

(translated German feedback)


Date: 09.12.2021


Hello,dear "Thymuskinteam" I have used your products,shampoo and serum,very successfully for the first time over 30 years that time I had a strong psoriasis on my head.under this layer,my hair was suffocated and had bald patches.thanks to your products,my scalp has completely recovered and all my hair has come back. Now the problem is starting again in a weakened form. Now I am a bit overwhelmed as they have different product lines. My scalp is again very dry, flaky and partly also very stuck. That's why I've lost quite a lot of hair again. Which series would you recommend to me? Thank you in advance and best regards

(translated German feedback)

Heike G.

Date: 07.12.2021


I would like to share my experience of Thymuskin so that others can also try this product and benefit from it Last year I had chemotherapy for a disease, possibly with the side effect of hair loss, which unfortunately happened to me. I was totally unhappy! My doctor advised me to try different products to promote hair growth. I tried various products, which were very expensive and did nothing. On the contrary. Some of my remaining hair became brittle. I was really desperate. It was bad enough to be ill. But then something like this on top of it. Looking in the mirror was terrible. Until: I came across Thymuskin. At first I had the shampoo and serum version Classic. The shampoo is very economical. Even a hazelnut-sized amount is enough for a single wash. My hair felt thicker after just a few weeks. After 3 months, combing my hair was a different matter. After I had used up the Klassik product, I switched to the Thymuskin Med version. Now, barely a year has passed and my hair feels like it used to, has great volume and I am happy. It was very important to me to share this with other sufferers.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 06.09.2021

Diffuse Hair Loss

After the Covid-19 infection, my hair became light and my hair structure changed. I have been using the product for 4 weeks now and I can clearly see an improvement after only two weeks. I am very satisfied, highly recommended!

(translated German feedback)


Date: 18.08.2021

Scarring Alopecia Circular Hair Loss

This product saved my life. I was dealing with a thyroid issue where my immune system was attacking my hair. I begin to develop alopecia. I became bald from the nape of my neck up to the center of my head. It was very traumatizing and depressing as I always had beautiful, long hair. I went to a dermatologist and received injections to suppress my immune system. After that, I found this product, thymu skin, and started using it. Within months, my hair started to grow back in locks of curls. Long story short, my hair grew 16 inches. #testimony #GodisGood Thanks Thymuskin!!


Date: 15.04.2021

Seborrheic Eczema

About Thymuskin again: the Reg shampoo is really good for me, because it also means that the greasy roots do not reappear until the third day. However, it is a keratolytic (albeit a mild one) which, as you know, should not be used for too long. But your dermatologist reassured me, so I'll stick with it for now. Maybe I should alternate with Classic? On the one hand, you should continue to use products that are good for you, on the other hand, I have already been surprised by habituation effects.

But at least I'm glad that the dandruff and especially the crusts are gone and I wonder if I had seb. eczema at all? Did I have eczema at all? Doctors are also known to be wrong....

(translated German feedback)


Date: 22.02.2021

Diffuse Hair Loss Hereditary Hair Loss Drug-induced Hair Loss

Enclosed is brief feedback on my hair situation using Thymusskin Med Shampoo and Gel. I suffered from acute hyperthyroidism and severe diffuse hair loss (severe thinning and loss). Until the * therapy, I had to take the medication *, which also causes hair loss. With the use of Thymusskin products, the hair loss stopped immediately. I was very positively surprised. I had not expected this, I had already tried so many things, but nothing had helped so far. About the situation: I had less hair loss than ever before. At the most, I lost 5 hairs when combing my hair and at the most 15 hairs when washing my hair. The hair also looked more beautiful and felt great again. The scalp tingling also went away. 2 months later, the * therapy (high dose) was carried out, combined with the administration of high doses of * for weeks and other medications, such as *, * and *. The therapy now resulted in a thyroid response. The therapy now caused an underactive thyroid gland and, unfortunately, increased hair loss again (after 3 months). Special examinations of the hair/ hair roots showed that the acute hair loss was mainly caused by the medication administered. I now hope that after the acute phase the hair will recover somewhat under Thymusskin. I will definitely continue to use the products and can really recommend trying them out.

* mention of medication removed for legal reasons

(translated German feedback)


Date: 03.02.2021

Circular Hair Loss

Customer feedback

Hello I bought the thymuskin shampoo and serum because I read so many positive reviews but the serum & shampoo didn't help at all.

Note from Thymuskin

The order was delivered to the customer on 05.01. and therefore Thymuskin was only used for about 3 weeks. We recommend at least 3-6 months of use for alopecia areata.

The positive effect always depends on the stage of hair loss, the individual situation and predisposition. In the initial stage, the first successes are visible after about 3 - 6 months, but in the case of hairlessness only after 12-24 months. We point this out in our product inserts as well as in further information in the form of flyers and on the website. In the course of the free counselling offered by us, the individual situation can be addressed.

(translated German feedback)

Dr. G.U.

Date: 12.01.2021

Circular Hair Loss Hereditary Hair Loss Scarring Alopecia

Hi everyone I bought both shampoo and serum on the 2nd of December 2020. I am very satisfied and my problem was alopecia areata, washed twice a day with shampoo, of course with serum, also twice a day cleared all problems, all hair came :) Thank you Thymu Skin

(translated German feedback)

D. C.

Date: 09.09.2020

Scarring Alopecia

I have been using the Med Shampoo and Forte Serum for 2 months now and I am very satisfied.

It has become somewhat stable and there is a lot of new hair growing in the area of the top of the head that has not yet fallen out.

All the hair has become thicker. I have treated almost the whole head so far, although only the forehead and temple area is thinned out.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 04.08.2020

Circular Hair Loss Hereditary Hair Loss Hormonal Hair Loss

Feel the little stubble there, but I have an itch all the time and it feels slightly numb.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 08.07.2020

Hormonal Hair Loss

Customer's feedback

Use the shampoo since about 3 weeks with me no improvement has happened when I see other reviews here after a 1 week improvement that I also hoped because the price is very high I am bite disappointed.

(translated German feedback)



Thank you very much for your message to the Thymuskin Hair Consultancy.

The Thymuskin Shampoo alone can only have an effect in mild cases of hair loss, and then only the stronger variants. Everywhere we write clearly that the results refer to the combined use of Thymuskin Shampoo plus Thymuskin Serum/Serum Gel. You will also find the note on the bottles that it is a system consisting of shampoo & serum.

In addition, we offer the free service of a preliminary consultation in case of any uncertainties.

You are welcome to describe your problem to me exactly how long it has existed, tell me your sex + age, what you have done about it so far and then we will catch up with the consultation.


Date: 25.04.2020

Hormonal Hair Loss Diffuse Hair Loss

I have now been using Serum Med daily (initially every 2 days) since November 2019 as you suggested. I have been using the shampoo for a long time. I no longer have any hair loss and new hair is growing in many places.

With kind regards, EL

(translated German feedback)


Date: 16.03.2020

Thin, Fine, Fragile Hair


I have used Thymuskin MED for around 8 months and soon after new hair started growing :) I am so so happy and my new hair even has my old curly texture which I haven’t seen in years! I am wondering if you would advice to use Thymuskin again at some point to make sure my hair are growing strong and healthy? Because I remember in the past I used hair growth tablets and after 4-5cm the hair would just fall.. (or maybe it’s because of iron and vit D deficiency which I only fixed during Thymuskin treatment)

Thank you so much for helping me, it mean so much to me!!

Kind regards, Nora

Ms. Sch.

Date: 02.03.2020

Thin, Fine, Fragile Hair

Since I have replaced hair soap with the Regeneration Shampoo, my hair is shiny again, can be combed easily and looks much more airy and fluffy.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 07.02.2020

Seborrheic Eczema

Because of fast greasing hair I used the Regeneration Shampoo. I was very unhappy that I had to wash my long hair almost daily. But after only a short time of application the problem improved significantly and after only a few weeks it is so that I even have to wash my hair only every 3 days - that's how long the effect lasts. I am really enthusiastic and would like to say thank you for the great product!

My hair is shinier and looks much better - just as healthy hair should look!

(translated German feedback)

M. Chr

Date: 31.01.2020

Diffuse Hair Loss Seasonal Hair Loss

My hairdresser was very enthusiastic about the condition of my hair during my last visit. In the meantime, I have been using Thymuskin Classic Shampoo and Serum continuously for several years. I only had the serum at times when the hair loss was acute. After that, only the shampoo was left.

Over the years, my hair has clearly and visibly increased in density, light receding hairline has disappeared and my hair is falling loose and shiny, even though I am in my mid-50s. My hairdresser is now also interested in Thymuskin for her clients.

(translated German feedback)


Date: 12.12.2019

Diffuse Hair Loss

After the consequent application of Thymuskin forte, after a small test of patience of about six months, new hair growth appears in my hair. I hope that the process will continue.

To have found the preparations was a stroke of luck for me. I can only recommend Thymuskin and will continue to use it in the future to stabilise the hair growth process.

I told my hairdresser about my experiences. Since other customers also have hair growth problems, she is very interested in Thymuskin.

I was also pleased with the intensive personal consultation I was able to receive here. This has helped me to work through the discouraging phases that have occurred again and again in the meantime.

Thank you very much!

(translated German feedback)


Date: 28.11.2019

Seborrheic Eczema

Hello Mrs. Klett-Loch,

we had correspondence some time ago regarding Thymuskin Regeneration shampoo and seborrheic dermatitis.

You asked me to let you know about the reaction of my scalp and now, after two and a half months of use (every other day), I can tell you that I have virtually no dandruff, hardly any itching, and the scalp is also only slightly reddened. I have not applied any fungicides or the like. I will continue to use the shampoo ...

Thank you again for all your information and effort.

Many greetings from Salzburg, HL

(translated German feedback)


Date: 26.11.2019


Hello! With your product Thymuskin Forte Shampoo and Serum I got along after 2 x complete hair loss after 2 x high dose chemotherapy super well, and the hair grows back very nicely. Best regards BCS (translated German feedback)

I. T.

Date: 05.11.2019

Circular Hair Loss

I got very bad circular hair loss half a year ago. First several bald spots formed on my head, then on the back of my head. A really bad condition, which I suffered a lot from.

None of the known therapies helped me. Then I came across Thymuskin during my research and bought the medical series. Already after two weeks new hair grew and the bad hair loss stopped. I am really very grateful!

After three months of use my hair grows back and the bald areas are completely closed. I can only REALLY recommend the products! (translated German feedback)


Date: 18.10.2019

Circular Hair Loss

Bald headed (alopecia areata totalis) since end of 2016, now after 5 months of use of Thymuskin Med Serum Gel and Classic Shampoo, I currently count very many small, thin, white hairs on my head. I estimate an amount of about 200 hairs. This is more than I have had in years. Currently I am really very positive! (translated German feedback)

Elke S.

Date: 28.06.2019

Circular Hair Loss

This morning I made an inquiry via the contact form and just received a detailed and honest (currently taking a cancer drug) response.

I'm very pleased that you unusual get quick and helpful answers. I will definitely order and test the two recommended supplements. I have an alopecia areata totalis, so I clutch at every straw.

I'm very hopeful!! And I will make a report later if it was successful.

M. Chr.

Date: 25.06.2019

Diffuse Hair Loss Seasonal Hair Loss

Hello, a quick statement on my thymuskin success to encourage others that there is help with hair loss:

A few years ago, I suffered from severe hair loss about once a year in the spring or fall, so when washing in the tub I had to count around 500, sometimes even more, hair. Unfortunately, this already resulted in light spots at the temples - at the age of 40 certainly not nice! After turning to Thymuskin, I started using the Shampoo Classic and Classic Serum as directed. Later I used only the shampoo - until today - and am very happy that the sparse sections have quickly filled again and the situation on my head is stable. :) The strong fluctuations - between around 100 and 500 hair when washing - have not occured since about 2 years! - I stick with it and also enjoy the thriftiness and the good scent of the shampoo and enjoy shiny and full hair - even at the age of 54!

Kind regards. God´s blessing, In gratitude, M. Chr.


Date: 16.05.2019

Chronic Telogen Effluvium

It's wonderful how detailed, competent and timely the answer to each of my questions by email was from the beginning! And it feels good to be understood and taken seriously with the topic of hair loss, which has been with me for so many years and for which I have already paid so much money for a wide variety of therapies and products. I use the thymuskin products - in my case Regeneration Shampoo, Med-Serum and Structure Styling Gel - since December 2018 and really notice an improvement in my hair loss, even at the moment of the "very bad" phase (it feels like it starts over and over again around May, and it comes with extreme scalp itching) it is not as strong as it was.

I have got this realistic assessment exactly the same way, can really only confirm it and am very glad that no false illusions were given. So, although I "fish" many, probably still too many, but not excessively many hairs from the sink strainer, I have no reason (any more) to panic. Thanks to the developers and providers of these products!


Date: 30.04.2019

Circular Hair Loss

I always had full and thick hair. Suddenly, half a year ago a bald spot appeared, in addition, the total volume decreased, I lost a lot of hair while brushing, washing ....

After applying Thymuskin Forte Shampoo and the tincture for more than 2 months, the bald spot grows again, and my hairdresser said 2 weeks ago that "new hair will regrow everywhere and my hair would become very dense (again)".

I do not use anything else anymore!

Beate W.

Date: 25.02.2019

Circular Hair Loss

Hallo und guten Tag, ich weiblich, 49 Jahre hatte seit 2013 kreisrunden Haarausfall, der sich alle halbe Jahre bemerkbar machte. Seit Juni 2017 benutze ich das Med- Shampoo und Med- Gel mit sehr gutem Erfolg. Die kahlen Stellen wachsen wieder zu.

Dalila U.

Date: 17.09.2017

By chance, I came across a mention of Thymuskin Forte on a cancer charity website. I was sceptical that any product would prevent hairloss during my chemotherapy but decided to buy one bottle of the Forte. I started using it twice daily, one week before my regime began. It did seem pricey but the 200 ml bottle lasted right through the 3 months of my treatment and for a couple of extra weeks when I reduced my dosage after treatment.

I would like to let you know that having used the serum in conjunction with the Cooling Cap, I kept all my shoulder length hair with only the very slightest ( unnoticeable to others) of thinning at the start of my parting. Even the chemotherapy nurses, who see women using the Cooling Cap every day, were astonished at the result. I can only think that the difference was that I used your serum. As a result, staff at the hospital have started recommending your product to other women. I hope that it works as well for them as it did for me.

So thank you - you gave me the chance to protect my privacy during and after my treatment. I can't tell you what that has meant to me.

Benjamin S.

Date: 11.07.2017

Following the advice of my trichologist, I have been using Thymuskin Forte Shampoo and Serum Gel for 6 month now and I am very happy with the results, so I wish to carry on with the treatment.

Haluk U.

Date: 29.06.2017

I have so many hair emerging all over my scalp, wonderful product! I am so grateful.

Betty U.

Date: 01.10.2016

Today is one of the happiest days of my life. My teenage son is getting his first hair cut in more than 7 years. He was first diagnosed with Alopecia Totalis 8 years ago. We tried every treatment in the book. Nothing worked. We lost all hope. Then, one year ago we found your Thymuskin products on the Internet.

We started using your Thymuskin Shampoo + Forte Serum Gel once per day about 12 months ago. Today, 98% of his hair has been restored and his eyelashes are returning as well. We are stunned and amazed at the results. Thank you so very much! Please feel free to share this review so that more people with Alopecia Totalis will know about Thymuskin.

Ian G.

Date: 22.08.2016

I'm not balding but decided to use your Med shampoo and my hair feels a lot stronger and thicker... definitely recommend

Doris C.

Date: 01.05.2016

Hereditary Hair Loss

auch Minoxidil hat bei mir das Haarwachstum nicht tat sich nichts. Nachdem ich die Pille abgesetzt hatte, und thymuskin verwende sprießen sie wieder. Haarausfall an sich habe ich keinen festgestellt, nur dass keinerlei neue Haare wuchsen. Ich habe Ihr Produkt bereits weiter empfohlen und meine Freunde sind auch sehr zufrieden.

Nicole M.

Date: 15.01.2016

I have just ordered my second bottle of the Forte Shampoo. I am definitely noticing hair re-growth in my bald spot which was slowly increasing before I started the use of Thymuskin. I am very excited with the results so far and will continue using the product hopefully to achieve 100% re-growth. I am using the Serum Gel and Shampoo once each day.

Silke T.

Date: 20.12.2015

Thank you very much for your detailed explanation and advice. Both GP and dermatologist did not advise as well as you did.

Stefan C.

Date: 15.11.2015

Circular Hair Loss

Now, after a total of 18 months of application Thymuskin products I want to give a current status again today.

I am still very happy with the results. In the last couple of month it has indeed not changed very much compared to my last mail. But compared to the status of 18 months ago, significant improvements can be seen. I shave my head not any longer on a daily basis but only every 3 days. I was even asked by friends if my hair has grown back. On the top of the head and on the sides of the hair grow almost back to "normal" density.

Noemi H.

Date: 15.08.2015

I started using the Gold (FORTE) treatment on March 1st, and am still using it. I will soon be finished my 2nd bottle, and will have completed 6 month of treatment on Sept. 1st. My hair has improved enormously and I'm really happy with it...

Eveline F.

Date: 20.03.2015

Losing ones hair is very traumatic. Thymuskin works for me. I used it in 2004 after I had an operation and lost my hair. Then I had to go through chemo in 2008, lost quite a bit of hair. I then went through chemo again in 2011/2012, I lost 80% of my hair from the sides and back. I was very depressed.

Recently I started losing my hair again, not sure the reason. I have been back on Thymuskin and have decided to add it to my budget and use it for the rest of my life. I wanted to let you know what a great representative you have in Joe. Thank you for this wonderful product.

Natalie T-I.

Date: 17.01.2015

Diffuse Hair Loss

A few months ago I noticed that I unfortunately began to lose more hair! It was increasing – and I have to tell you that I could not imagine how awful hair loss can be! It got so bad that sometimes the scalp was visible!

Now I have used about 1/2 bottle of the highly efficient Thymuskin Med shampoo and during my last visit at the hairdresser, she told me that many new short, so-called support hairs are visible on my head. I have noticed how much hair I lose when washing and I have to admit that there were very, very, few now. It is nothing compared to what I had in my hands a few weeks ago – and also I notice significant differences in my hair style quality!

Beate M.

Date: 18.10.2014

Hereditary Hair Loss Hormonal Hair Loss

Thymuskin gehört zu mir. Meine Haare sind seither einfach besser, kräftiger, gesünder. Es gibt mir eine Sicherheit wenn mal Zeiten sind, wo ich das Gefühl hab mehr Haare zu verlieren. Zählen tu ich nicht mehr, aber die Erfahrung mit ihnen und Thymuskin hat gezeigt alles wird gut : )

Kevin C.

Date: 17.10.2014

I used it for my mom who had alopecia a few years ago with excellent results! She has such thick beautiful hair again. Now I’m using it for myself as my hairs thinning on my crown and my hairline is receeding and I’m getting married Excellent research and product guys!

Christina O.

Date: 28.05.2014

Hormonal Hair Loss

Due to stress and menopause I had severe hair loss (more than 100 hairs a day). Many “hair-hormone products, which had been recommended by the dermatologist did not show the desired hair growth! It was mostly associated with unwanted side effects and with increased hair growth on the face (fluffing) or only a slight effect regarding hair loss until I started to use “GKL Thymuskin”!

Since 3 months I use 2 x shampoo and 3-4x a week Thymuskin Classic Treatment. My hair texture was much stronger after about 4 weeks, the hair loss is decreased significantly and, according to the dermatologist every hair follicle is covered with new hair roots! My hair looks fuller and healthier!

Johann R.

Date: 28.02.2014

Hair Loss After Surgery

(Hair loss after surgery) Only after using your shampoo and conditioner my scalp felt well and relaxed, my hair grew back again. Thank you.

Anke L.

Date: 28.09.2013

Hereditary Hair Loss Hormonal Hair Loss

I can still say for myself that my hair has become stronger. I also find it’s growing faster. Looks more healthy and I’m going on to use the products, on my genetic predisposition I want to counteract. If I have more hair than before? I’d say yes.

Kris F.

Date: 04.09.2013

hi. i get it today and I used this shampoo ,God can do better than that , this shampoo amazing thank you so much!!!!

Linda C.

Date: 02.07.2013

During my menopause my scalp started to itch a lot all over my head and I was loosing my hair. I have been using Thymuskin Gold Hair Treatment for 14 weeks. The itching has gone down a lot and I loose less hair now.

Gerald H.

Date: 16.05.2013

I am very satsfied. Hairloss is stopped I think. Scalp condition is ok.


Date: 01.05.2013

I wish I had known about your hair growth products sooner. Six months ago my hair was coarse, dry and brittle. I also suffer from “patchy” hair loss. Not only have I seen excellent results in only a few months, but I have also regained my self confidence.

I would encourage any one that is suffering from alopecia or “patchy” hair loss to start as soon as possible with Thymuskin. There are many advantages to consider: it works, it's all natural and there are absolutely no side effects.


Date: 25.04.2013

I have a strong family history for hair loss. My father and even my mother both had very thin and sparse hair all of their adult lives. I am 22 years old and started losing my hair about 3 years ago. I don't want to lose my hair at such a young age like my parents. It is hard enough to get a date now let alone if I were bald. My father found your products on the net and ordered a Super Kit for me.

I am using it and it is working really well. I am not losing any more hair and I even see hair growing back in the thinnest areas of my scalp. I'm relieved that we found your Thymuskin products. I am certain that Thymuskin was a good choice for me. I will email you in 6 months to update you on my progress


Date: 01.04.2013

Thank you for creating such an incredible product. It really does work! My hair was thinning on top in a hereditary balding pattern for five years before using your amazing line-up of Thymuskin lotions, gels and shampoo Now, after 6 months of using only 3 products, my hair is much thicker and fuller than before. My receding hairline has been replaced with new baby fine hair.

My stylist is very impressed with the results I'm getting and has never seen anything like it. Thanks again for selling a product that really does live up to its claims!!!


Date: 12.03.2013

Since I started using Thymusking’s products, my hair has stopped falling out excessively. It has become stronger and doesn't break off. My scalp doesn't flake or itch like it did before I started these treatments. Everything has completely changed for the better. My hair is even growing back in places where I thought it was gone for good.

I'm very happy with the results. No more hats, wigs or scalp cover-ups for me. I am happy to recommend the Thymuskin natural approach to hair restoration.


Date: 27.02.2013

I want to let everyone know who feels skeptical about trying this product out before ChemotherapyTry ThymuSkin, you won't regret it! I was told to expect hair loss from my Chemo but I kept 95% of my hair thanks to this treatment. I have finished my entire course of cancer fighting agents and still have my hair! When searching the internet I came across your products.

After doing more research, I felt convinced to try it. And let me tell you that I color my hair and I can also tell you that it is not bothered at all by the coloring.


Date: 30.01.2013

I am a 38 year old man. I first experienced hair loss in my mid 20's. I had a noticeably thinning area on the top of my crown. I also was receding around the temples and frontal hair line. I first tried Rogaine and P. faithfully for 2 years but it did not help at all. Actually, my hair continued to fall during this period. It was very frustrating for me to see my hair loss get worse instead of better.

Then, I switched gears. I started using ThymuSkin. The results, after almost a year, have been astonishing. I now have almost a full head of hair and normal hair fall-out from day to day. Plus, there were no negative side effects, exactly as your products promised.


Date: 11.01.2013

Thymuskin has been a miracle for me. I will never use any other hair loss product. I started using it about 6 months ago, and it is simply amazing. I always had fine, dry hair and I accepted that. But, it was awful to see my falling locks clog my drain every time I would shampoo. Too much hair on my pillow case and in the brush no matter what I did or tried.

Then, I saw your products in a magazine article back in September. After just a few weeks of therapy with Thymuskin, I stopped shedding whenever I shampoo, style or brush my hair. Then, new hair that looked like peach fuzz, started to appear in the 4th month. Itchy scalp and dandruff are also no longer a part of my life!!! These products are truly remarkable.


Date: 10.01.2013

I am unable to endorse or recommend your products on a professional level since they are considered an alternative medicine (albeit made of natural substances). However, I wish to share my personal experience with you. Our son developed Alopecia Areata. After conducting much research on what non-traditional remedies were available, my wife and I chose Thymuskin.

It seemed to be the most suitable course of treatment for this disease since we did not wish to administer steroids. My wife ordered on-line and we began treatment about 3 months ago. As of today, he is growing new hair in every bald patch on his head. We plan to continue daily use as per your instructions. Thanks for offering Thymuskin on the internet. We would have never found you otherwise!


Date: 02.01.2013

Thymusking is an awesome company! I have been ordering products from them for the past eighteen months, first for my son and now for myself. The customer service is the best I have ever experienced. No question goes unanswered. They don't try and rush the conversation. They also recommend the best product for your situation, not necessarily the most expensive product. The products have been miraculous. My college-age son had alopecia universalis.

We had pretty much given up hope when his hair had not grown back after 3 years/ After researching sll options, he tried the Thymusking products. He has grown back about 85 percent of his hair at this point. He continues to use the product while his eyelashes and eyebrows grow back. I have been using the products for thinning hair for only several months. I am just starting to see some progress in the past week.

Thank you so much for helping us!! Everyone needs to know about your products


Date: 26.12.2012

I am an African American female. I have struggled with Alopecia for many years. I tried all of the traditional treatments available to me during my life. Sometimes I would get good results and sometimes not. The longest I ever went without re-occurrence was about 6 years. Now, in the last 2 years my problem has gotten much worse. I was desperate and then I typed in autoimmune hair loss at Google and your site popped up.

I had never heard of Thymuskin so I contacted your company by phone. Once it was explained to me that there were no negative side effects, I decided to order the kit of Shampoo, Lotion and Gel. I also got a free sample of the Hair Mask. I want you to know that it is now 4 months and all of my patches are filling in with new hair. The Hair Mask is great for my dry scalp and I think it is speeding up the growth process.

I hope you will publish my email so that other victims of Alopecia will read it. These products are incredible. Thanks


Date: 30.11.2012

I am very pleased to report that after being on Thymuskin for 2 solid months of treat-ment, I am seeing dramatic improvements. I have new hair growing all around my hair- line as well as thin growth throughout my problem areas. I am ready to re-order the shampoo and treatment. I still have a half bottle of gel left. Since I have dry color treated hair I think the yellow or gold shampoo will be a better choice for me.

Also, I am looking for the most economical way to purchase these 2 products. I have been taking the Advecia vitamins (my nails look great!). Is it possible to get another free bottle of the capsules with my order? I will wait to hear from you. By the way, thanks for offering hair loss products that really do work!


Date: 15.11.2012

Diffuse Hair Loss Hair Loss Caused by Lupus

I want to thank you so much for this product. I have had Discoid Lupus for over 20 years and six years ago my hair began falling out. The doctors did every test that they could think of and finally just told me that they think this is just part of the disease process for me. I began my hair loss with breaking of hair, all my hair became short with most thinning around my scalp line. Then I was left with this baby hair, no body very fine, one-inch hair. I have used Rogaine (5%) with some success. At the same time my hair lost it's color.

Since using your product for six months, my hair is regaining it´s color but most importantly, I have my body and curl back! This is a miracle after six years of hair loss. I will continue to use your product and wish I had known of it earlier. I was even considering just giving up and getting a wig. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Date: 18.10.2012

All I can say is WOW.

I am a high school student who had Alopecia Areata that was progressing to Alopecia Totalis. I have been using your products for 8 months and all of my hair is back. I can’t believe how effective Thymuskin is. You must get the word out to other people like me. Tell them to try your products. They really do work.


Date: 09.10.2012

This product is amazing! I have had Alopecia Areata for more than 10 years and just discovered a new spot last night. I have not had one in more than 5 years. It was very disturbing, but also very comforting to know that I could get on-line and get this sent out to me so quickly.

Thymuskin has brought back all my hair in the past. I am confident that it will work once again. Thank you!!!


Date: 01.10.2012

Hi. Looking forward to receiving my next shampoo, revitalizer and gel kit since I've enjoyed such great success using your products. My only problem is keeping them “on the shelf.” Since I am now a full time student (mid-life crisis) and not always able to afford them! But I must admit that Thymuskin is the only product that has shown true and significant results for me.

I have a feeling that the MED formula may be even more effective as my scalp is on the dry side. I am confident that my female hair loss will soon be a thing of the past thanks to your products.


Date: 30.09.2012

Our 4-year-old daughter has Alopecia Areata. We ordered Thymuskin less than 6 weeks ago. My husband was very skeptical since other remedies like Thymusil did not work. He really did not want me to place the order, but I felt so desperate that I ordered one of your starter kits anyway.

New hair is already beginning to emerge in the bald spots and it has not even been 4 weeks since we started treatment. Now my husband is sorry he was so doubtful. Your products really do work! I would recommend Thymuskin to other victims of Alopecia Areata if I ever have the opportunity.


Date: 28.09.2012

I was a victim of Alopecia Universalis. Then I learned that Thymuskin could reverse this particular disease. After learning that your products are all natural and safe to use, I placed an order (and then another one 4 months later). I must admit that it took a long time to work. But, after almost a year of treatment with the shampoo, lotion and gel my hair is coming back.

I am convinced that the way Thymuskin boosts the immune system is the reason for its effectiveness against the Alopecia kinds of hair loss.

Johanna N.

Date: 11.09.2012

Hereditary Hair Loss Hormonal Hair Loss

However my hairloss as well as the structure of the hair improved strongly, this confirms even my haircutter J


Date: 01.09.2012

Hi! I received the products the day after I placed my order so I was really impressed with your free Fedex shipping. But, more importantly, Thymuskin is actually working wonders for me. I really could not believe how fast I started to see results. Telogen Effluvium took over about 3 months after the birth of my baby. I thought I was going to be completely bald within a few short weeks. Well not only is my hair loss reduced to less than half of what it was, but there's new growth everywhere and I've only been using Thymuskin for about 3 weeks!

I'm finally enjoying my baby without the fear and paranoia of losing all my hair during this exciting stage of my life. What a relief.


Date: 01.09.2012

I acquired Alopecia Areata that eventually progressed to Alopecia Totalis some time ago. Then my husband found Thymu-skin on the internet and book-marked it for me. I learned that Thymu-skin might possibly help me to grow my hair back so I ordered one of your kits. It took 6 or 7 months before I saw any signs of new growth.

Now, after a full 10 to 12 months of dedicated use, my hair is growing in like normal hair again. I am overjoyed with these results and I’m glad that I did not give up as I almost did. Since the hair is still too short, I’ll continue to use Thymu-skin for a few more months and then I’ll stop using it as we discussed. This weekend I am re-hanging all mirrors in my home.


Date: 29.08.2012

Your products are amazing. In just 3 weeks, our 3-year-old daughter is already showing signs of improvement. Her hair has stopped falling and we see signs of new growth in some areas of her alopecia areata patches. We are only using the Thymuskin Gel but we also got a free trial size shampoo with our order (thanks!) We're ordering the shampoo now as we are stunned by the results so far.


Date: 24.08.2012

I am a 30 something female who has experienced thinning hair for the last few years. I have tried other hair loss products out there but none of them worked. Then a friend of mine told me about Thymuskin. I found your shop on the Internet and called you after doing some online research.

I wound up ordering a 4-month supply of Shampoo, Treatment & Gel. I also received the free Advecia hair vitamins with this kit. It has now been about 8 to 10 weeks since I started. I have just this minute returned from my hair stylist and I feel like I have hit the lottery.

This morning she confirmed that there are many new hairs starting to grow all over my head. I thought I saw them in my bathroom mirror too, but I really wanted someone else to notice without asking. As an unexpected bonus, the health, texture & condition of my hair have greatly improved too. All of this in less than 3 months. I am very excited and just had to share my results with you. I think I will try the green creme rinse with the avocado that you recommended for conditioning my new hair once it really fills in.


Date: 13.08.2012

Hello Joseph! I just wanted to let you know that in the third month of using your Thymuskin products I noticed a big difference. I've always had thin hair but lots of it. Then in March we lost our Dad and 6 months later we lost our Mom. That's when my hair started to fall out big time. Then to make our grieving even worse, we lost our Brother the day after my birthday. So I guess my nerves were shot.

Thank goodness I found your website. I can’t believe how fast these products are working for me. I've lost no more hair since I've started using them and I’m astonished at all of the hair that is coming back.

Thymuskin is really amazing. Thanks so very much!!!!


Date: 10.08.2012

I am writing to let you know that my wife recently underwent chemotherapy. She started using Thymuskin Shampoo, Treatment and Gel two weeks prior to receiving her first round of chemotherapy agents. It has now been 4 months since her last chemo treatment ended. Not only did her hair remain, but it also has never looked better. Keeping her appearance and confidence in check were major battles won, as she was more concerned about losing her hair than the course of chemotherapy itself.

Your products saved her beautiful hair and therefore lots of stress during this unwelcome period of time. We are grateful to you and to this exceptional product line.


Date: 02.08.2012

Our teenage son was a victim of Alopecia Areata. Dermatologist’s scalp injections did not work for him. Other “miracle” cures were also not successful. Then we found your Thymuskin products on the internet. Your company recommended ThymuSkin Gel to be applied to the Areata patches once or twice per day.

Fast forward, 50 days later We’re impressed! Our son’s Areata patches have all filled in with brand new hair. His teenage confidence is back up to 100%. And the baseball caps are no longer needed day and night. Thank you, Thymusking, for a great product that really does work against this awful disease.


Date: 21.07.2012

I am 22 years old and have been experiencing hair loss for 9 months now. I am currently using Thymuskin and Advecia to combat my hair loss with some pretty good results. I started using those 3 months ago. My hair loss seems to have stopped and my hair looks a little thicker too.

Charlotte G.

Date: 06.06.2012

Circular Hair Loss

What really makes me happy: The therapy, if it was not an independently occurred spontaneous remission, successful Since ca. 3 month hair is growing on the small plain spots of my son’s scalp.