Female, 40+, with stress

Diffuser Haarausfall / Diffuse hair loss


»I am female, 44 years young, and have been suffering from increasing hair loss for about two months. I have thin hair, and I have had a lot of stress recently. What can I do to stop the hair loss?«


It is a fact that stress of any kind causes hair loss in many people, especially women. Women of 40 years and older sometimes experience a phase of physical change. Some women in their early forties even enter a kind of preliminary phase to the menopause. Such changes are often reflected in the hair.

Thymuskin can in this case provide effective help to stop the hair loss and strengthen the hair. However, hair loss is something that always demands patience. We recommend regular, daily use for at least three months. The chances of success with Thymuskin scalp treatment are very good for precisely this kind of "diffuse" hair loss.

To start with, we recommend Thymuskin Med or Forte Shampoo in combination with the corresponding Thymuskin Serum Gel. Both should be used daily as far as possible. You should wash your hair daily or at least 2-3 times per week, depending on your washing routine. After the hair has been washed, the serum is applied to the scalp. Do not use a hair-dryer after applying the serum. If you do, the scalp starts to sweat and at least some of the valuable ingredients can be lost, which limits effectiveness. If your hair loss stops, you should continue to use Thymuskin to promote hair growth and to improve the structure of the hair.

To maintain hair status after successful hair and scalp treatment with Thymuskin, you can switch to the lower-dose Thymuskin Classic serum or just continue using a Thymuskin Shampoo by itself for long-term after-care. If hair loss starts to get worse again, it will be necessary to increase the dose or go back to using a combination of Thymuskin Shampoo and Thymuskin Serum.